Bro. Bobby shared 10 points on how we can provide life-changing bible study to our class each week. For those of you unable to make it, I have provided a brief recap below. Hope to see you again next month.
1. Understand and acknowledge that the HOLY SPIRIT is the true teacher.
2. Be an example of STUDY, prayer, evangelism and PERSONAL GODLINESS.
3. Never forget
You teach PEOPLE
You teach the BIBLE
Teaching is a COVENANT
4. Pray daily for members, prospects, other teachers and yourself.
5. Begin preparing EARLY in the week.
6. Prepare a teaching plan that includes an understanding of learner's NEEDS and LEARNING STYLES
7. Greet each MEMBER and GUEST in a warm, friendly manner.
8. Actively INVOLVE learners in the Bible study sessions.
9. Train to continually sharpen and improve knowledge and skills
10. Evaluate where learners are SPIRITUALLY and teach to help them BECOME and GROW as disciples